Safeguarding Policy Statement
For Children and Vulnerable Young Adults
Climbing Life Kenya recognizes that all children and vulnerable young adults have the right to be protected from harm and live in a safe environment.
This policy acts as a guide in helping volunteers, Climbing Life Kenya staff, and Climbing Life Kenya community members create a safe environment for young people.
Climbing Life Kenya has a duty of care to safeguard all children and vulnerable young adults involved in Climbing Life Kenya activities from harm. All children and vulnerable young adults have the right to protection and the needs of children and vulnerable young adults from all backgrounds and abilities must be taken into account.
This includes children of all ages, ethnicity, social backgrounds, abilities, sexual orientation, religious belief and political persuasion. Climbing Life Kenya will ensure the safety and protection of all children and vulnerable young adults involved in its activities through adherence to its Child Safeguarding Policy.
The following principles underpin the Climbing Life Kenya Child Safeguarding Policy:
To provide children and vulnerable young adults with appropriate safety and protection whilst in the care and responsibility of the Climbing Life Kenya.
All managers and senior staff should promote a culture that ensures children are listened to and respected as individuals.
To allow all staff/volunteers to make informed and confident responses to specific child safeguarding and child protection issues.
All suspicions of child abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
A child is defined as an individual under the age of 18 (The Children Act Cap 141).
To help and support all individuals involved in providing activities for young people on behalf of the Climbing Life Kenya.
That all children, regardless their age, ethnicity, abilities, social background, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, or political persuasion, have the right to live in a safe environment.
That any sanctions used must be non-violent and must not involve humiliating children and young people.
That the welfare of the child is paramount and will underpin all guidance.
This policy is mandatory for all Climbing Life Kenya staff and volunteers working with children and vulnerable young adults to comply with the Climbing Life Kenya Child Safeguarding Policy.